The Fall 2009 Calculus class at Muskegon Community College was tasked (by me) with learning how to study for a math test and then making presentations or videos to help other students.


The students started by doing their own Internet research, and then were placed in groups of 3 to focus on a particular topic. Each student was asked to interview a math instructor as part of the project to find out the details of the particular study strategy they were assigned.

Their projects generally fall into three categories:

  • General Organization, Note-taking, and Time Managment
  • Specific Study Strategies that can be used
  • Managing Stress so that you have a good test-taking experience

All of the projects can be found on their website: How to Study for a Math Test.


It’s a nice resource written by students for students, and I hope that many of you will pass it on to your classes.