I’m in the DC area for a couple days and I was supposed to do a presentation to students at UMD today called “There’s More to the Web than Facebook.”

Description: If you think the Internet is for playing games, catching up with friends, and downloading music and videos, you’re right! But there’s a lot more out there that you could be using to help you with your education.  Use Mindmaps to organize a research topic for that long paper.  Find another lecture or a tutorial on a topic you’re having trouble with.  Meet with a group online to discuss a group project.  Write a paper with a group without emailing it back and forth.  Watch some of the most mindblowing video clips on cutting-edge research. Facebook IS great, but there are other Internet applications you should check out too!

Unfortunately, several inches of snow closed the UMD campus today, but there’s no reason you still can’t play with the presentation map!

The active map of this presentation can be found here.


For the record, I should probably admit  that after avoiding Facebook for years, I finally succumbed to the lure of FB in December.  I was pleasantly surprised that, although it is an excellent way to whittle away your time, I enjoy the time spent catching up with old (and new) friends.  I think it is one of those things that you won’t really understand until you try.