I am safely back from Louisiana with no airport snafus (no incorrect bookings, no delays, no missed flights). I even managed to get a bump on the way back for a $300 voucher on future travels.

The workshop went great and I think everyone really had a good time. It was certainly fun for me to go to Louisiana and talk about my favorite topics. 🙂 On Friday night, we went to a great cajun restaurant where I probably gained 5 pounds from one meal – but boy was it great food! I tried deep-fried alligator, deep-fried catfish, gumbo, and then I had a seafood dish with shrimp and crab. It was all incredibly flavorful. VERY YUMMY!!! I told Joel that we can’t ever move to Louisiana – we’d be even plumper than we are now!

It’s likely that I will be going to New Orleans in March, perhaps Joel will come with on my free voucher – if nothing else, then to sample the food!