If you’re looking for a link to a presentation from a conference or event, go to the Resources tab.
Presentations can be customized for your event, audience, and facilities. If you’re not finding exactly what you’re looking for please ask. Any of the talks for general audiences can be tailored specifically for math faculty.
How to Measure Teaching and Learning in Math
Did you know you can measure whether students have fragmented or cohesive conceptions of mathematics, or whether they learn at a surface- or deep-level? Did you know there are concept inventories available for research purposes at the level of prealgebra / elementary algebra and at the calculus level? Did you know there are inventories that will measure whether instructors are using student-centered approaches to teaching, or how instructors perceive their teaching environment? No? I didn’t either. I’m thinking that if we put our heads together, colleges could participate together to perform some truly outstanding research in the field of math education. Let me share what I’ve learned and we’ll tackle it together.
Will Math Go the Way of Latin?
Have you seen the signs? We live in a world with powerful and easy-to-use CAS that is available on any mobile device that has Internet. Fields that were traditionally math-intensive, like Engineering, rely heavily on computers for computations and modeling. How much of the traditional algebra or calculus manipulations does the average citizen really need to know? Compound all this with the “replacement” of instructors with technology (like online homework, online video lessons, etc.) and the picture appears bleak. However, with any threat there is also an opportunity. If we can collectively see the opportunity, we have a chance to shift the discipline to skills and competencies that are more valuable in a modern digital age.
Learning is the Future of Math
Students face a future in which they will likely have several very different careers. At the same time, technology proliferates and evolves at a pace faster than anyone can keep up. How do we teach students to direct their own learning? We need to design curricula and instruction that reinforces the ability to learn deeply, think creatively, and quickly retrieve past learning. See what a math class looks like when you redesign it around two goals: to empower students to learn how to learn, and to prepare students for a technology-rich future.
Starting from Scratch
Teaching from the Online Calculus Trenches
Calculus is a difficult course to learn when you are in a traditional classroom. Move the course online, and not only is it hard, but there are a multitude of technical obstacles to overcome. How do students show work? How do you effectively communicate mathematical concepts on a text-based message board? How can you provide instruction so that students actually watch and listen? I don’t claim to have all the answers, but certainly my experiences over the last year have provided some. My avatar reminds students about important events. I’ve figured out how to get paper tests back in the hands of students electronically with little fuss. My students have learned some HTML and how to use online screencast programs to share their work and help each other. If you’re planning to put one of these graphics-intensive math courses online, I can help you flatten the learning curve.
Using the Internet to Spice Up Your Math Class
The Missing MathType Manual
Tablet PCs and Digital Pens
Blogology: Self-Education, Reflective Thinking, and Mass Storage