The Contemporary Algebra Collection now contains 28 activities spread from basic math to exponential functions. All of these activities are based on contemporary examples from the world (e.g. Snapchat, Facebook, Amazon, Spotify, tourism, apps, etc).

Twelve thumnail images of worksheets from the Contemporary Algebra collection

All the activity links now point to Google Docs that will maintain their “freshness” over time. Whenever I update an activity, the published version will also automatically update at the same link. By publishing the activities as Google Docs, I hope this makes them easier for you to modify activities if you want a slightly different wording or conceptual focus.

The collection has also moved to a new location on – it’s now under the “Resources” tab. If you’ve had the page bookmarked, please update your link to the Contemporary Algebra Collection.

If you like the Contemporary Algebra Collection, you might also like to follow Graphs In the World on Facebook or Instagram to get ideas for writing your own activities. Please feel free to contribute the activities you write to the Contemporary Algebra Collection by emailing the Google Doc link to me (with appropriate copyright for your authoring).